
Driving A Moving Truck For The First Time? Follow These Safety Tips

If you're used to driving a small car or even an SUV, the prospect of driving a long, tall moving truck may seem a bit scary. You may be worried about making it around corners properly and about stopping on time. It can also be harder to change lanes and keep an eye on traffic through your mirrors in a big truck! Luckily, handling a moving truck is not as tough as you might imagine, as long as you follow these safety tips.

Simple Solutions For Packing Up Your Home Office

Moving to a new home can be challenging, but moving your home and your home office together can be an overwhelming experience. If you are part of the 2.6 percent of American workers who telecommute, moving your home will include your personal and professional belongings. Moving your dishes, cookware, clothing, and toys is simple, but packing and moving furniture and supplies that you use in your home office can be a bit stressful.

Moving Tips For The Young Professional

A new job in a new city can be a common occurrence for a young professional fresh on the career ladder. Chances are you may also be on your own for such a move, since you may not have family or friends to help out in your new home. The following tips can help you handle your move with minimal stress while sticking to a budget that is realistic for a recent graduate and new professional.

Moving An Antique Grandfather Clock To Your New Home? Tips To Get It There In One Piece

If you are moving and have an old grandfather clock, you need to be careful so it does not become damaged during the move. Below are some tips on getting your grandfather clock taken apart and packed so it will look exactly the same when you get it to your new home. Preparing Your Grandfather Clock Before you get started, put on a pair of soft gloves, as you should not touch the components with your bare hands.